Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Questionnaire of Jeans preferences in Shanghai,China.

Please highlight or bold your answer

1. 请问您有多少条牛仔裤?
How many jeans do you own?
A. 1-2
B. 3-5
C. 6-8
D. 9-10
E. Above 10 (10条以上)

2. 请问您购买牛仔裤时最重要的因素是什么?
What‘s the important factor of you in purchasing jeans?
A. 品牌Brand
B. 价格Price
C. 质量Quality
D. 款式Style/design
E. 舒适comfort

3. 当您购买牛仔裤时哪个品牌是您的首选?
If you plan to buy jeans which brand will be your first choice?
A. Lee
B. Levi’s
D. Miss sixty/energie
E. G-star
F. 其它Other ____________(请写下该品牌名称please write down)

4. 请问您最喜欢哪种款式的牛仔裤?
What style of jeans is your favorite?
A. 喇叭Bell bottom
B. 小脚Tapered bottom/Skinny
C. 直筒Oxford bottom/Flare
D. 低腰Low waist/Hipster
E. 高腰High waist
F. 其它Other____________(请填写please write down)

5. 请问您最喜欢哪种颜色的牛仔裤?
Which color is your favorite of jeans?
A. 深色dark
B. 浅色light
C. 彩色Multi-color
D. 做旧的颜色vintage (washed, ripped, etc)

6. 请问您能接受的牛仔裤价格是?
How much money will you pay for a pair of good quality Jeans?
A. 400RMB – 700RMB
B. 701RMB – 1000 RMB
C. 1001RMB – 1500 RMB
D. 1501-2000 RMB
E. above 2000 RMB
F. > 2500RMB

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